Friday, May 24, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten

Oh my goodness, we have a first grader at our house!  Hailey wouldn't officially let us call her that until the day after the last day of school...haha.  She had a GREAT year, and loved loved loved her teacher, Mrs. Moya.  After school Hailey even told me she was going to cry herself to sleep that night because she missed Mrs. Moya.....awwwww.  I can't believe how fast the school year flew by.  If every year feels like this, I'm going to be fifty in the blink of an eye!  Or at least that's how it feels.   Hailey did EXCELLENT the entire school year.  She was so good about doing her homework right when she got home from school, and sometimes she even finished it in the car before we even pulled up to the house.  She averaged A's, mastered all of her phonograms, started reading and has become a great little reader.  She did awesome in math, and even had her teacher's aide bragging about how fast she finished the first timed test, and even got 100 percent....GO HAILEY!  She has learned so much this year, and we couldn't be more proud of her! 

 First & last days of kindergarten.  She definitely grew quite a bit 
during this school year.  Some skirts that were below her knees
are now above them.  Wish I could slow down time, she's growing too fast.

 It seems like we just took this picture yesterday!  She was so
excited for the school year.  Hopefully I will remember to do
this for first grade when the time comes.

 Her cute!

 Her award for "amazing story writing".  She definitely
has a very BIG imagination.

 She averaged A's, we are so proud of her. 

 Toward the end of the year they came home with
a reading log.  Hailey had so much fun trying to
fill the logs up as fast as she could.  I lost track
of how many she read during this period because
she kept forgetting to bring the log home.....but it was A LOT!

She was so proud of her awards she taped them to her wall.

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