Monday, May 20, 2013

Garden Disasters & Victories

More garden updates.  Turns out I'm not getting any better at gardening...haha.  There has been more garden fails than actual garden successes!  Sometimes I feel like it would be easier and cheaper just to go to the store and buy some stinking veggies, but.....for some weird reason it is still fun to try!  And the girls love it!

 Addy in her favorite outfit picking cherry tomatoes.

 The corn is growing FAST, so far no issues with the ones
that have survived.  For some reason some of the stalks are
dying off, which didn't happen last year...who knows!  I 
need to start spraying them for bugs so we don't have
the nasty caterpillar issue we had with them last time.

 This picture makes me sad...haha.  I don't even like tomatoes
that much, but when my efforts to grow them turn out
rotten tomatoes, it's SO annoying!!  Blossom End
Rot...I despise you!!! 

 So our regular tomatoes are not doing to hot, but our two
little cherry tomato plants are producing TONS of
juicy little tomatoes!  These are a favorite of the
girls to pick, because they are so tiny!

 My first Roma tomato  It was still a little small to pick, 
but I didn't want a bird to snatch it up.

 Apparently this is what happens when you try to grow green 
onions in 90 degree temps.  They started flowering
a couple of weeks ago.  I'm going to leave them for 
a bit longer to see if they produce some seeds.

 Our cucumber plant was planted from seed and took
FOREVER to grow!  I hadn't looked at it for awhile because
I thought it was too young to produce anything yet, and to my 
surprise, there was about six cucumbers growing.  Unfortunately
this is the only decent one, the rest looked  a little dried out.

 Another cucumber, the end was dried out :(

My other potato buckets, hopefully growing potatoes!

 Baby tomato plants.  Don't ask me why 
I'm planting more, it's just fun!

 I kinda sorta forgot to check the squash and zucchini 
plants for about five days.  You can't tell from the
picture, but some of them were HUGE!!  Like as
in three pounds huge!  They are only supposed to
get to about eight inches long for the best flavor....oops!

 See?  Huge!!  This zucchini was three pounds!

Here is some of the smaller, edible squash & zucchini.  

I have no clue what ate this one.  There has definitely been
some type of insect munching on the squash leaves, but until
today, they have left the actual squash alone.  I will hunt
you down and squash you bug!!

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