Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Zoo

Thursday we went to the zoo.  It was a good day to go, but every time we go to the zoo, we always say we are never going back.  I think we pretty much decided that walking around looking at animals is boring to Hailey.  She loves animals, but I don't think she likes just looking at them.  She likes activities where she can run and jump and actually do things that involve more.  So, I think I answered my question on whether or not I was going to buy a season pass.  We still had fun, but I guess the zoo is just not our thing.

 Cute little sisters ready for the zoo!
 Vultures.  Jaren laughs and says I am obsessed with
vultures because I am always talking about the ones that
are constantly flying over by the mall.  I just think it's so weird
that there are that many (we have counted 54) flying around.

 Addy was terrified to walk across this
bridge because she could see through
the slats.  She definitely has Jarens
fear of heights!

 Hailey LOVED the tree house and said
she wished she could live in it.

 Cute Girl!!

 Addy, being scared!  

 See how bored she looks?

 Eating lunch.  This duck loved Hailey and would
not go away.  She fed it her sandwich and Cheetos,
and then we saw a sign that said "Do Not Feed
the Animals"....oops haha.

 This jaguar was creepy!  It was pacing back and
forth for ten minutes, and making this strange sign.
Jaren said "That thing want to kill someone"....aahhhh!

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