Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Addy and her Do a Dots

Addy LOVES her do a dots, or as she calls them, her doody dots.  In the span of two days, this little girly did about fifty pages of them!!  She works so hard on them, and then lays them out on the floor to dry.  It's the perfect little activity for her.

These are the perfect way for little hands to paint, without
all the mess.  Addy LOVES them!!  I highly recommend them.

 I  make circles for her to "dot".
I make all sorts of designs for her, mostly letters
so she can get practice with them, but also trees,
pumpkins, houses and more.  I have to say though,
after two days of "doody dots", I was getting tired
of them.  But I couldn't say no when she said "mommy,
can I do my doody dots?" in the sweetest voice ever ♥

 So proud of herself!

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