Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cooler weather...finally!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year.  We finally make it through the horrible heat of summer and are finally able to enjoy cooler weather!  The girls have been loving playing outside, even if they are the only kids out!  Last year we had quite a few kids in the neighboring houses that would come out and play most nights, but unfortunately, ahemmm....Kenningtons...they moved away ;) We miss them!!!  Anyhow, loving the cooler weather, winter grass will be planted next week and hopefully I will start planting some seeds.  Kinda not feeling the whole garden thing right now, weird, since I love to garden! 

 Love this crazy little chick!  

 Addy has been terrified to get on this little bike, 
even though it has training wheels.  She kept saying
"I cared, I cared" was so sad.  Jaren finally just stuck
her on it, because he knew she'd love it.  And what do ya
know?  She loves it!!  She begs to ride every single day!

 Love the scrunchy nose grin ♥
 The girls got new helmets and new bike horns 
so we could be the most annoying family on the block!

This was so cute.  This was a VERY windy day, and the newspapers
were all over the cul-de-sac.  First, Hailey got a trash bag and said she
was the neighborhood garbage girl, and picked up all the trash.  Then
she changed into "mail girl" and rolled up the papers and put them
in her basket to deliver to the neighbors. funny!

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