Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dirt Cake

Last time we went to the library, we picked up these Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew chapter books.  We have been reading them each night, and Hailey loves them!  The chapters are pretty long, so I usually only read her two.  When I tell her that's it for the night, she begs for another chapter.  She's like me, she cannot stand the suspense, and has to know what's going to happen.  When we finished one the other night that was about April Fool's Day, there was a recipe in the back for dirt cake.  Hailey was super excited to make it, and wanted to trick Jaren.

 Super cute books!

 Ready to start making the cake.

 Crushing the oreos, what fun!

 Love that cute girls smile!

 Filling the sand pail.

 All done, they were so excited.  Jaren walked in about two seconds
after I took this picture.  I told the girls "don't tell him so we can try
to trick him."  Well, Addy didn't understand that, and she ran to tell
him, which left Hailey in tears...poor girl!  Then Addy got upset
and she was in tears too...fun fun!

Eating their cake in the tub, the best place 
to eat messy desserts!

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