Friday, April 4, 2014

More Bounce House Fun

Another fun Friday, we went to Pump it Up in Tempe.  It's an inflatable bounce house place.  I know I should probably find some free fun things to do on Fridays, otherwise these activities are really going to start adding up!  Anyhow, it was a pretty cool place.  Plus, two hours of non-stop running, jumping & climbing should make for an easy peasy bed time tonight!  The pics are kinda crappy, since I was just using my phone, and they were usually running...

 Hailey whizzed right up this.  Addy freaked out at first, even
though she was just on one exactly the same last week!  After
she calmed down, I couldn't keep her off it!

 Last week they banged into each other and Addy
got hurt.  I kept telling them to go one at a time,
but did they listen?  Of course not!  Little turds!

 There was a ribbon at the top of this that
Hailey was trying to get, but she didn't quite make it.
She sure tried though...Go Hailey Bug!

 This was cute!

 A cool little virtual game where you try to pop balloons.
Hailey had some pretty funky moves, it was so funny!

 They had these huge building blocks which were pretty cool!

 Another little virtual game where they had to try
and step on the frogs to get points.

 Hailey in the hurricane machine.  She begged to go in.  It 
was two bucks, I said no.  She begged some more until
I finally said OKAY!!!!  Paid the two bucks, it starts up,
and she won't go in!  Arghhh!  Finally, after I stepped in
for a second, she went in alone for the last ten seconds.  Kids!!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! It looks like you guys basically had that whole place to yourself. I love that hailey doesn't have school on Friday so you guys can be FREE!
