Thursday, April 10, 2014

First Swim of the Season

The girls begged me to swim yesterday!  So, I promised them that after I finished making dinner, I would take them out.  I tried to talk them out of it, telling them that it was still WAY too cold, but I guess they didn't believe me!  It was fun for them for about two minutes.  After that, Addy was crying and I was, not much fun at all!  Hailey seemed to like it for a few minutes, then said she was done.  Addy was shivering like nobodies business, and she kept wanting to swim, but only to Hailey's arms, only if she was no more than an arm length away from her, which was not really swimming at all, so Hailey didn't want to do it.  So, our first swim of the season didn't go well...haha.  Maybe we will try again in a month!

 Testing the water. I love Addy's frog squat!

 Addy shaking her booty!

 Cute little sisters ♥♥


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