Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dying Easter Eggs Take Two

Since our shaving cream egg dying project didn't work, we picked up a regular kit and decided to do it again.  This worked much better, and the girls had a blast.  Jaren even dyed some with us!  I seriously love coloring Easter eggs, it's so much fun!

 Getting ready...

 Hailey LOVES to color Easter eggs!

 Proud little Addy coloring a yellow one!

 Jaren making a red, white and blue egg.

 Turned out pink, white and blue...haha!

 Jaren and I kept drawing pictures on the eggs with
white crayon, and the girls loved being surprised by
what it would be after they dunked it in the dye.

 Addy was SO excited to see a Big A on her egg!!

 Haha...Jaren made an alien egg!

 Addy showed us her colored hands and
said "look how good my hands turned out"...haha!

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