Sunday, April 6, 2014


I can't believe it's April!?  Holy cow!  I also can't believe I didn't try to trick Jaren or the kids on April Fool's Day!  Last year I painted clear nail polish on the bar of soap in the shower...haha.  I should've done some cute little gags on the girls, but I was just too tired.  Maybe next year!  Not much went on this week.  Addy had swim class, Hailey had track and field.  Grandma Lois came over to stay with Addy while I volunteered at the school.  Since Hailey's school is so small, they do track and field at a park.  The weather was perfect, but it was a hectic day!  Hailey did AWESOME!  Her teacher was telling me what a fast runner she was.  She said she beat every girl, and all but one boy!!  We knew she was fast, but GO Hailey!  On Saturday our old neighbors, the Kenningtons, invited the girls and I to Paradise Bakery.  The girls were so excited to see each other, and dinner was delicious!!  After that, we drove over to Franklin so the girls could play on the playground.  It was such a fun evening, and I can't wait to go out again.  Sunday was General Conference, and we were invited over to Jim & Gwen's house.  After conference, they invited us to stay for dinner.  Yeah for not having to go home and make dinner!!!!  The cousins got to run around and play, and after dinner we played volleyball in the backyard, which was actually pretty funny!  All in all it was a pretty good week!

Funny things said...

We were driving in the car and Addy fell asleep in her car seat.  Hailey said "aawwww look how cute she a kitten...with her mother.....drinking the milk".  Haha, it sounded so funny!

Addy and Hailey were playing outback, in the dirt, five minutes before we had to leave for ballet!  They were both filthy!!  They were digging, shoveling and adding water to the dirt.  Addy's face was BAD.  As I was cleaning her off, she looked at me all serious and said "mommy, why do I get dirty when I'm playing?"  Haha...I don't know why that was so funny to me!  Silly girl!

 We ordered Serrano's takeout one night, and I 
decided to get sopapillas so the girls could
try them, they LOVED them!!

 Five minutes before ballet class, and this is what
Hailey looked like...haha!  She decided that playing
in the dirt right then was a good idea...silly girl!

 When I freaked out, she freaked out and said she couldn't
go to ballet class like this.  We used some baby wipes
on her and she was good to go!

 The girls working out with Jaren.  When I snapped the picture,
Jaren said "that is not going on the blog"....haha, sorry babe!
I just think it's too cute not to!

 Addy's workout gear!

 Hailey ran to my room and came out laughing, looking
like this.  That's a sports bra, on backwards...haha.

 Donuts on conference morning.  They do not get donuts
very often, so it's a real treat for them!

Addy helping me make chicken salad.  She LOVES to help!

 Love this picture of Jaren & Hailey.  This was on 
our family date to Red Robin!  The girls LOVE this place!

 Cute little Addy!

 Haha...this picture cracks me up.  She had Sprite, and
then the waiter brought chocolate milk.  I guess
she couldn't make up her mind on which one she wanted!

 And then Hailey had to try it too!

 Library trip.  Hailey doesn't get to go with us very
often, since I usually go while she is in school.   She
had fun relaxing and reading a cute!

 Addy LOVES the toys at the library!

Playing at the park.

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