Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hailey's ribbons

Hailey had track and field last month, and she was SO excited when her school finally handed out the ribbons.  She got 7 ribbons!! She would've had eight but one of her little classmates was crying because she didn't get any, so Hailey took the sticker that had her name on it off the back of one her ribbons and gave it to her....so sweet!  I'm so proud of her for seeing her friend upset and trying to cheer her up.  Hailey has a huge heart, and hates to see people sad.  She is one quick girl, and beat all but one boy in her class at the running events...go Hailey Bug!!

Hailey lost another tooth!

Hailey has three wiggly teeth, two which areVERY wiggly.  I picked her up from school yesterday and when she hopped in the car she was beaming with excitement!  Right away I knew what had happened, she lost her third tooth!!  I think she has really wanted to lose one at school so she could go to the nurse and get a cute little tooth shaped necklace tooth holder!  She was SO excited!!  That night she wrote the Tooth Fairy a sweet little note, and tucked her little tooth (which she had scrubbed clean haha) into her tooth pillow, and went to bed!  She woke up super excited to find out that she left her three bucks!! 

 It was her third bottom tooth. Can't wait til she loses
her top front teeth, she will have such a cute gap!

 Haha...she looks a bit crazy in this one!!

 Being silly.  She called this a hippo tooth haha.

 She cracks us up!

 Such a cutie!  I can't believe how big she is getting!

 Writing her note to the Tooth Fairy.


I went to bed the night before Easter with a migraine, and woke up with it still there!  That didn't stop the girls from being SUPER excited to get their baskets though!  Last year the Easter bunny left them on our coffee table, so that's where Hailey went looking for them in the middle of the night!  But, he hid them this year!!!  She came in our room at three AM concerned that he did not visit us this year haha!  We told her he probably hadn't come yet, and to go back to bed.  A few hours later, they were up and ready to find them.  Both girls were REALLY REALLY excited!  They both got new jammies, some eggs, bubbles and a book!  After church, we went to Jim & Gwen's for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.  Dinner was yummy and the cousins had fun playing! 

 Their cute little baskets!

 Hailey had spent hours coloring and decorating papers
to put on the coffee table for the Easter bunny...so cute!

 Hailey got a book about a girl who gets to take home the
class pet, a bunny, and she accidentally makes him tye-dyed
when she is dying her Eater eggs.  She can't wait to read it!

 Checking out her goodies!

 ♥♥ Sisters ♥♥

 Addy's cute little book about
 a pink puppy.

 New jammies!!!  Thank you Easter Bunny!

 All Hailey kept talking about was
wanting a chocolate bunny!

 Staring at her chocolate bunny, she let out a
big sigh and said "look at it".....so cute!

 They really loved the carrot shaped candy!

Addy's new jammies!!

The cute little Petersen cousins......

Making faces...

 Making more faces, Hailey looks so funny...haha.

The egg hunt....

Monday, April 21, 2014

Week of April 14th

It was nice to get back into the swing of things this week, after a weekend of Jaren being pretty sick.  He had what I think was a nasty sinus infection, but who knows.  He had a fever for a day, and miserable body aches.  Luckily, nobody else got it!  Hailey is getting more and more excited for school to get out, mostly so she can swim!  Addy is doing great at swimming, but for some reason, she is starting to cry at her lessons again!  It's sad and frustrating at the same time.  We will probably just do one more month of lessons, and then take her out.  Easter was on Sunday, and it was a great day. The girls woke up to their Easter baskets, and had SO much fun going through them.  I had a migraine the night before, so we almost didn't make it to church that day.  Luckily about an hour after I woke up, it went away for the most part.  Church went surprisingly well!  Addy was tired, and both girls had Easter candy, so I was ready for cranky, wired girls.  They were pretty good during sacrament, and their classes went great.  I had bought some small dry erase boards, which they both colored on for most of sacrament.  I will definitely be bringing those in the church bag next week!  Sunbeams is going great!  I am in there with another girl from the ward, and I love it.  We have all girls in our class, and they are pretty easy!  After church we went to Jim & Gwen's house for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.  It was a great day!

Funny things said:

Our neighbor has a small circular flower bed right in the middle of his yard, with fake flowers in the center of it.  We were riding our bikes by and Hailey said "is that a grave?"  Haha..it was SO funny!

I picked Hailey up from school and she said "I have a new boooooyfriendddd".  She said it was the new boy, Logan, and that they had A LOT in common.  When I asked her what they had in common, she said they both like to talk like monsters and go on the slide.  Then she told me she was going to go home and write a book about falling in love.  Oh Boy!!  The next day after school she looked at me all sweet and said "we had cupcakes at school and Logan and I had the same color".  So cute!

There was a piece of chalk in the driveway, and I ran it over.  It basically turned to powder.  Addy looked at it and said "Ummm, we need to put that back together"...haha!  When I told her we couldn't, she said "daddy will fix it".

We picked up Hailey's friend for dance, and the friend was telling us she calls her grandpa her papa.  The girls also call my dad Papa.  Hailey got all excited and told her friend "Hey, my Nana married a guy named Papa!"...I could not stop laughing!!!

 Cute little cousins!  We got to have Hannah over while
Gwen went to a doctor appointment.  The girls ran around
and played and danced for almost three hours!!  They
play really good together!!!

 Every now and then we freeze toys in a cup
of water, and watch them melt in the tub.  The
girls LOVE doing this!!

 Addy was excited to see the feet of her
My Little Pony sticking out!

 Hailey eating the ice....Mmmmmm tasty!

 I found the cutest Despicable Me jammies
at Target!  I set them on the couch to surprise Hailey
after her bath.  When she got out, I told her to put her
jammies on.  She looked at them and said "awwwww those
are sooooo cute!".  When I asked her whose they were
she said "I don't know....MINE?!"  She loved them!

 Cute little Buttercup may be getting a new home soon!  Yes, 
we are those horrible people who get a pet and don't keep
it forever!  But, she has started digging big wholes, smack dab
in the middle of the yard, all the way down to the sprinkler pipes!
So, we'll see.  Hailey is all for finding her a new home if we get
a puppy, but I'm not quite ready for that yet!  

Enjoying cinnamon rolls we made
for the ward breakfast and egg hunt!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dying Easter Eggs Take Two

Since our shaving cream egg dying project didn't work, we picked up a regular kit and decided to do it again.  This worked much better, and the girls had a blast.  Jaren even dyed some with us!  I seriously love coloring Easter eggs, it's so much fun!

 Getting ready...

 Hailey LOVES to color Easter eggs!

 Proud little Addy coloring a yellow one!

 Jaren making a red, white and blue egg.

 Turned out pink, white and blue...haha!

 Jaren and I kept drawing pictures on the eggs with
white crayon, and the girls loved being surprised by
what it would be after they dunked it in the dye.

 Addy was SO excited to see a Big A on her egg!!

 Haha...Jaren made an alien egg!

 Addy showed us her colored hands and
said "look how good my hands turned out"...haha!