Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week of April 8th, 2013

Started off the week running errands and getting things done around the house.  Jaren had to work until nine o'clock a couple of nights, which made for a REALLY long day for him.  Wednesday and Thursday was Rosa's viewing and funeral.  It seemed sad to me, because the funeral wasn't very "personal".  I'm used to a funeral with someone talking about the person, maybe telling their life story, or a family member talking about them more.  They basically quoted some bible verses and read her obituary.  It was still nice, just didn't have the "personal touch" of most funerals I have been to.  It was nice seeing some of my old co-workers and exchanging stories about Rosa.  She was a great friend, and I miss chatting with her every day.  Addy had her eye doctor appointment on Thursday.   On Thursday night the kids played in the cul-de-sac.  Some of us moms have started coming out every Thursday after dinner, and letting the kids run around.  This Thursday was a ZOO!!  There were a lot families, and a gazillion kids.  The girls had a blast, and rode just about every neighbor kids bike!  As soon as we went in the house though, Hailey started crying over throat pain.  She ended up with a fever and was pretty miserable that night, waking up a few times.  She stayed home from school on Friday, and her doctor was able to get us in, and we found out she had strep throat, poor girl.  She basically laid around the entire day, and ate close to nothing.  By Saturday she was feeling better, but still contagious so we stuck around the house. Jaren had to work, then came home and fixed the window on my car.  He had to take the entire side panel off.  I'm glad he can figure stuff like that out and save us from having to take it in.  Saturday night Jaren had to go back into work for a bit and then went to UFC at Jim's house, while us girls had a quiet evening. 

 Jaren fixing the leaky tub faucet.  Addy had to be right there by him!
She sure loves her Daddy ♥♥♥♥

 We couldn't find Addy for a few minutes.  We checked our closet
and found her putting on makeup....little stinker!

 Vroom Vroom.  Love it when they play together, and love
that Hailey is wearing a Christmas dress in April...haha.

 Flowers from our rose bush.  Addy loved to smell them :)

Baking cupcakes for family home evening.

Enjoying their cupcakes....Mmmmmm.

 More fun with pool noodles, and colored water too.

 Addy on one of our walks.  During the week we try to take
a walk around the block once a day, and visit the fountain.

 This day she wanted to take her baby in her wagon with us on
our walk.  She had grapes in her cheeks, and kept them
their the entire thirty minute walk...haha.

Showing her baby the water.  So cute!

Hailey and Addy reading books, waiting for
Hailey's doctor to come in.

Poor Hailey.  She was like this for most of the day.

Saturday we bought a used dollhouse off of Craigslist.  It is in brand
new condition, and came with tons of accessories and was only
thirty bucks, which is pretty darn cheap considering how much
this dollhouse and furniture go for at the store.  The girls had SO
much fun playing "neighborhood".  They now have LOTS of
furniture and people to fill both houses and have lots of fun together!!

 Hailey is our little creative one.  She is always gathering odd toys
and such and trying to make stuff.  She found two sticks and she
she tied toys to them to make a mobile for the baby cradle...silly girl!

 More fun with the doll houses!

Addy and her bike.  She LOVES to put her sippy cup in the back
tray and ride all around the house.  She can go pretty fast!

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