Friday, April 12, 2013

Addy's Eyes

Yesterday Addy had her follow up appointment with the ophthalmologist.  Just as expected from her last appointment, she will need to have eye muscle surgery to correct her misalignment.  It is outpatient surgery, but the thought of having our sweet little two year old put under anesthesia scares the daylights out of me.  Jaren was able to go into work late that day, and went to the appointment with us.  Addy did NOT even want to leave the house.  She kept crying and hiding in Hailey's closet saying "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go".  Poor girl!  Once we got there she was really shy with the doctor, but did good and listened to everything he was telling her to do.  It's a fifteen minute procedure and there is supposed to be minimal pain with recovery.  The doctor says it is a very safe procedure, but it still scares me.  But, if her alignment is not corrected, her brain will basically tell her to stop using her bad eye, and she will lose vision.  She doesn't really have a dominant eye, they both drift off, so she definitely has to have the surgery.  There is also a chance she will have to have repeat surgery, but hopefully not.  She goes for surgery on May 14th.  

 Hiding in Hailey's closet....haha.

 At the doctor's office, still not sure she wanted to be there.

 Getting a little more comfortable on Daddy's lap.

 Jaren trying to get her to relax a little.  Look at her
long legs!!  I think she's going to be tall like her Daddy.


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