Friday, April 12, 2013

Garden Stuff

Out of all the cabbage plants I planted in the Fall, only one actually started growing into a head of cabbage.  The others just grew a couple of leaves and that was it.  I have been faithfully watering and taking care of this one, and was hoping it would not get eaten by cabbage worms.  But, no such luck!  We noticed something had been eating it a few weeks ago, and found a worm on it.  We got rid of that worm, and let it keep growing.  We kept finding more and more holes.  We knew we weren't going to end up eating it, but wanted to see how big it would get.  Well today we pulled back a few leaves to look for the worms that were eating it, and found the MOST disgusting thing ever!  Tons of worm poo....YUCK!!  Hailey thought it was pretty fascinating.  We ended up finding five worms, and one cocoon...ewww!  Hopefully next fall we will have better luck, and actually get to eat the cabbage...haha.

 This is what we found when we pulled back a few leaves....blah!
No wonder pesticides are used so much, too many dang bugs!

All cleaned up.  We ended up with a pretty decent sized cabbage.
Too bad we couldn't eat it...maybe next season.

No worm poo involved here.  We let our cilantro get a little out
of hand...haha.  It grew SO tall.  I let Hailey cut it down and
she kept saying "holy crap" at how tall it was!

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