We have had our fair share of bedtime battles around here. But...for the most part, Hailey generally goes to bed pretty good. Every now and then, like these past couple of weeks, she will take FOREVER AND EVER...AND EVER....AND EVER...to go to bed!! It drives me absolutely BONKERS!!! I'm sure every parent can relate. Anyhow, while she was at school the other day, I was busy tearing the house apart looking for a lost library movie and a lost Redbox movie, and I came across this in her desk drawer......
empty Pixy Stix wrappers. Maybe this is the reason she has been staying up hours past her bedtime, she's on a sugar high?! Little stinker. I also found a ton of Ritz sandwhich crackers with the peanut butter scraped off and two hard boiled eggs....haha.
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