Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week of April 15th, 2013

This was a busy week of helping Papa & Nana move.  It was lots of helping them go through things and pack up boxes, lots and lots of boxes.  They are now moved in with David & Cassi, and have the dreaded task of unpacking those boxes and finding a spot for everything.  Hailey was in school, but Addy came with me to their house, and had lots of fun running through the almost empty house with cousin David.  They were so cute together!  I normally stay on top of the house chores, but pretty much neglected them all week since we were gone the majority of the days.  By Friday I couldn't take it anymore and did lots of laundry, dishes and more. The girls got to play with the neighbor girls a few times this week, and played in the cul-de-sac Thursday night with quite a few other neighborhood kids.  I LOVE our neighborhood!  Sunday I had a migraine for much of the day, ughhh.  That evening we went to visit Grandpa and Grandma at Jace and Stephanie's house.  The girls had fun singing into a floor fan, because it made their voices sound silly.  They were pretty entertaining, that's for sure. 

 Addy helping make corn salsa.  It takes twice as much time and it's 
double the mess to let my kids help in the kitchen, but they LOVE it!

 Addy's latest love, Hailey's old tap shoes. She wore them for 
an entire day (around the house, to the store, outside playing) and
gave herself blisters, poor girl. As soon as they heeled, she was right back in them.

 Hailey having fun washing Jaren's car!

Addy helped too.

 Addy and I took a walk around the block in the wagon.  She
had to take her puppy, so cute!

 Addy playing ball in the backyard with Daddy!

 At Papa & Nana's almost empty house.  The table was gone, so
we made a little table for Addy and David to eat their happy meals.

Riding their bikes around the empty house.  It was cute, they
wanted to ride each others bikes.  Such good little friends these two are.

The stairs at cousin David's fun!

 In my quest to eat healthier foods, I found a recipe for this
smoothie, a kiwi melon cooler.  It was SO GOOD!!!  Granted,
I ate like CRAP the rest of the week!  I love making smoothies,
so I don't know why I eat junk instead.  Next week will be better!

 We brought this bird bath home from my parent's house when
they moved.  I think my brother Dale bought it for my
parent's backyard garden years ago.  The girls were so
excited to fill it with water, and are waiting to find
a bird taking a bath in it!
Cute sisters ♥♥

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