Our summer garden is really starting to take off. We have had some issues with bugs and whatnot, but we are still having fun learning and trying to grow things. The girls both love to plant seeds and pick vegetables. I thought they would try to be sneaky and pick stuff while we were not looking, before it was ready, but they are pretty good about waiting. Hailey even has her own section of the garden, which she loves!
Some of our tomato plants.
They are pretty bushy, and I am worried that I didn’t prune them enough
when they were small. Now they have
gotten a little out of hand, and it’s hard to get to the branches that do not
have blossoms growing on them, which could use too much of the plants
nutrients. Oh well, we will see how they
do. So far they are producing tomatoes,
but they might produce more if we prune them better.
More tomato plants, and our green onions. Not sure how the
green onions are going to do in the heat, as they are already
starting to flower. They still taste good though :)
Our corn, a couple of weeks old. Only half of the seeds
came up, darn it! I plan on planting a second batch pretty soon.
As far as I know, our potatoes are doing good. The plants on top
are in excellent condition, and we are hoping there are potatoes
growing! We will find out in about another month or so. I know
absolutely NOTHING about growing potatoes, other than watching a
video on Youtube, so I will not be at all surprised if we end up with nothing!
Squash blossoms! So pretty!! I planted five golden egg squash, and
four zucchini plants. I am a little disappointed because half of them
developed powdery mildew, or at least that's what I think it is. Not
positive, but I bought a spray and am hoping that stops it and does
not kill the plants. Jaren LOVES squash and zucchini, so I am
hoping they still do well!
Our first tomatoes of the season, little cherry tomatoes! The
girls were SO excited when they saw some red ones ready to pick!
I just wish they were that excited to eat them....haha.