Saturday, November 22, 2014

Video Games

The girls bickering has gotten so bad lately, that I have banned TV in our house until they can figure out how to get along.  I know kids will be kids, and I don't expect them to not fight at all, but seriously, it was ALL DAY LONG!  From the moment they walk their little buns out of their rooms as 5:30AM (for the past two months, this is what time they wake up, regardless of when they go to bed),  until it's time to get into bed at night, and every waking moment in between, they have been pushing each other's buttons, and it is literally driving me insane!  I'm not sure when they started fighting so bad, but it's gotten worse the past couple of months.  I'm happy to say that today was day three with no TV, and they are doing SOOOO much better!  Anyhow, even though they are not allowed to watch TV, they can play video games.  The girls have both played Wii Fit, which they love, but they've never played any of the actual video games we have!  I don't know why we never showed them!  We showed Hailey how to play Super Mario Brothers and she LOVES it.  She gets so proud of herself when she beats a level, it's so cute.  And they both love Mario kart!  Not sure if we are going to go from watching too much TV to playing too many video games....haha, we'll see.  All I care about right now is that they are getting along for the most part!!

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