Thursday, July 24, 2014

Recent Pictures

I keep forgetting to write down the funny things the girls say, but here are a few...

The girls and I were driving down Main street where the center of the road is all tore up to get ready for light rail.  Hailey suddenly said, all dramatic, "why are they destroying nature!"  LOL it was so funny!

Hailey and I were reading Friend magazine and it was talking about keeping the Sabbath day holy, and I asked her what that meant.  She said it meant to not smoke.  I explained to her what it meant, and she said "but you especially shouldn't smoke on Sunday".  This lead to a bigger discussion on smoking, and I told her daddy and I had never tried a cigarette and that I never want her to either.  I said even if  some kid tells you you'd be cool if you tried one, you shouldn't.  She looked at me all serious and said "I wouldn't, because I already know I'm cool!"  Haha...I couldn't stop laughing!  So cute!

I was cleaning out the playroom and girls room and I ended up with a HUGE black trash bag full of junk.  It was so heavy, I was literally dragging it out of the house like a big Santa sack.  Addy had been looking for Hailey, and when I walked by her with the bag, she looked it me all puzzled and said "Is Hailey in there?"  Haha

 Addy exercising with the resistance band...haha, she
thought the handles were for her feet, silly girl!

 Addy was on the verge of a melt down for something silly, so I
asked her if she wanted to cut some bananas to freeze.  I normally 
just throw them in whole, but this gave her something to do.  I
gotta remember this for down the road. I felt much better at
giving her a little task that distracted her and made her feel like
she was helping rather than getting mad at her!

 Helping to get the craft ready for Sunbeams.  This
little girl loves to run around without clothes on.  I should
prob start making sure she's dressed before pictures lol.

Watching the cookies mix for Sunbeams class.

 The girls doing a beauty salon.

 This was so funny!  The girls were playing doctor and Hailey
told us to come look at Addy.  She put her in

 Hailey's turn!

 The girls have been swimming quite a bit.

 Hailey doing yoga one morning.  I love
that she loves to work out!

 I came out of my bedroom one morning
to find Hailey all dressed up cute!

 Hailey is definitely Jaren's daughter because she
LOVES to organize. It drove me crazy, but I let her
organize the cupboards to her liking.  Now our cupboards
are all rearranged and I have no idea where anything is haha!

 More working out!

 Hailey did a load of laundry from start
to finish!  She did a great job!  Now if I can
just stop being in control enough to let her
do it again!  I think it's easier for me to just do
it, but in reality, that would be awesome if
she did her own laundry!! 

Hailey doing her learning program on the computer.
She is doing AWESOME at counting money!

 For our Sunbeams craft, we sent a hug to a family
member.  Hailey wanted to do it too, so her and Addy
both sent hugs to Nana & Papa ♥♥

 Painting with fun, bright colors!

 Addy is getting so good at drawing people!

 Hailey Bug is super creative and
loves to do all types of arts and crafts.

 Haha...I love this picture.  Who needs a swimming
pool when you have a storage container to swim in?!

 Hailey came up to me and said "I'm a movie
star, aren't you going to ask me something?!"
Haha...silly girl.  She also wrote a note and stuck it
to her bedroom door that read "Movie star at
work, do not disturb".

 Playing Racko!  This game drives me BONKERS,
in a good way.  It's so fun, yet so aggravating!  Jaren
and I have been playing it almost every night lately.  Jaren
will not stop playing unless he is ahead, stinker.  Hailey
also loves to play, and does pretty good!

 Addy got invited to her first friend birthday party.
She was so excited, until she found out I wasn't staying
at the party with her.  I felt so bad, because I told her Hailey
and I would stay for ten minutes, and when we left, she could
come with us if she didn't want to stay.  Hailey and I sat on the
couch, and Addy kept looking back at us.  It was awkward because
I didn't know anyone, so I decided that Hailey and I should leave.  I told
the mom to call me if she cried.  I had MAJOR mom guilt going on!  About
forty-five minutes later, the mom texted and said she was doing great!  When
we picked her up, she was so happy and proud of herself for staying.  She
is our little timid girl, and is terrified of going anywhere without us.  This
was good for her, and hopefully will help with preschool soon!

Hailey was sad that she didn't get to go to the party
too!  After we left Addy at the party, we went to the
grocery store and to Cold Stone Creamery....Mmmmm!
Lucky for Addy and Daddy, we brought them home some!
Addy watching the dough kneading in
the mixer.  I swear, this girl does wear clothes sometimes!

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