Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week of February 17th, 2014

Monday was President's Day, so Hailey had off of school.  Hooray for no school days!  Jaren worked, and the girls and I stayed home most of the day.  We did run an errand to a candy shop in Chandler, which was fun.  After that Hailey went and played at John & Reagan's house for a couple of hours.  And honestly, I am writing this a week later and I have no clue what we did the rest of the  Here are some recent pics...

Fun with playdough....

 Hailey has been off school a couple of times lately on
the day Addy has swim class.  It's so cute, she cheers
her on from the windows!!

 Cute, sleepy girl ♥♥

 Bike ride time.  I shouldn't say this, but I hate taking
the girls for bike rides.  They aren't the greatest 
listeners at times, and I am so afraid they are
going to dart out in the street!!

 Fun at the park.

 My cute little shopping partners! 
Addy wanted to hold the basket all by herself because, as
she said...."my muscles are so strong"....cute!

 Burying cousin John at the park!  The kids 
definitely needed baths that night!
 We were out shopping for coats for Jaren when
Hailey said "look at me!"  She looked SO funny!

 I was trying to teach Addy how to use the computer.
She was getting really frustrated with the mouse, so
we stopped.  We will have to keep trying!

More park fun....

 We went to a candy shop called Sweeties in Chandler.
They had TONS of candy, and the girls were in heaven!
They especially loved these silly ring pops!

Addy and David Jr.  We have watched him a couple of 
times while Cassi went to her prenatal visits.  These
two have tons of fun together!!

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