Monday, February 3, 2014


Wow, today is actually February 2nd!  I can't believe how fast January flew by.  Not a whole lot has been going on.  Just trying to battle all these germs that are going around!  This winter it has been one sickness after another.  We are all finally feeling better and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.  Jaren has been busy with work, working many late nights, which is always a bummer.  Hailey has been doing AWESOME in school!!  She got all A's on her report card and is reading like crazy!!  Her teacher wants the kids to read one hundred books this year, and Hailey is almost at two hundred, we are so proud of her.  She's also doing awesome on her spelling.  She gets thirty words every four days, and some are pretty tough.  Last week she only missed one!  Addy is busy relaxing and playing all day....must be nice.  We registered her for preschool next August, holy cow!  She acts really excited, but I think I will have to be pushing her through the door, but we'll see.  She's also doing AWESOME in swimming!  I'm just trying to keep up with everything and recover completely from my back surgery. It's been almost six weeks, and it's starting to feel normal again!!

 Addy trying on her cute little outfit.

 Playing Sorry, we've been having lots of fun with this game.

Addy loves to brush her teeth.

Hailey got straight A's on her report card!  Krispy Kreme
will give you a donut for each A.  I feel bad that we never did
this last year in kindergarten, but she didn't even know about it,
so I guess it didn't really matter.  This year, though, it was all the 
talk in her first grade class...haha!  So, the next day after school we
drove down and she picked out her donuts.  The young guy at the 
counter was really sweet with her and said his girlfriends name
was Hailey too, which Hailey thought was funny!
Hailey helping pepper the roasted carrots!  I wish
eating them made her as excited as helping cook them did!!

Jaren looking a little psycho!

We went to zoo lights for the first time.  Maybe I'm
weird, but we were not impressed.  Forty dollars, and
there was way too many people, plus it was freezing.  I thought
the lights on the trees were pretty, but most of the other lights
were not all that impressive, I'm pretty sure the girls thought
the same thing.  We should just stick to the beautiful temple lights!

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