Monday, August 26, 2013

Garden Update

Our summer garden is not doing so good.  All we have planted is watermelon and pumpkins, but they are struggling.  We started out with lots of baby watermelons growing, but now we are down to just one!  And the pumpkins were doing good, but most shriveled up and died.  I am definitely looking forward to planting my fall / winter garden, since we had such good luck last year with some of it. 

 This is what the watermelon plants are looking like.  They
are starting to brown and shrivel up.  Some of them are laying 
on rock, and Jaren thinks maybe the rock is too hot.

 The only part of the watermelon plant that
looks okay is the section that is growing
up the trellis.  I'm thinking this will eventually
die off too, but we will see.  

 Our only surviving watermelon. It's getting huge!  It's growing
up the trellis, so we had to set it on a bucket because it
just got to be too heavy hanging there.

 The pumpkin vines are growing out into
the yard.  They look okay at a distance, but up close.....

 The leaves are dying off, and some have powdery mildew.  

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