Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First week back to school

First week back into the school year went excellent.  Hailey loves her new school!  I love that she has Friday's off, and there is less bickering between the girls now...HALLELUJAH!!!  Maybe I won't check myself into a looney bin after all!  I didn't take a whole lot of pictures this week, but here are a few....

 Addy was fascinated by the freezer as it
was defrosting.  I won't mention any
names (ahem...JAREN), but it was left open
all night when someone went in to get
his frozen yogurt.  Oh well, it needed
to be defrosted anyway.  I'm just glad
I didn't have anything too expensive 
in there that got ruined.  

 Addy looking a little hyped up...haha.  She is
always telling me "I want to help make dinner".
So cute, she LOVES it.  This day we were
getting a meal ready for the crock pot, stuffed
bell peppers.  I had never made them before, but
was looking for something sort of healthy.  I'm
not a huge fan of bell peppers, so I didn't really
care for them.  Jaren LOVED them.  He didn't
understand why I didn't like them, and
said "one day your taste buds will
grow up".....haha.

All ready to go.

 Playing school, Addy was the student.  A
cute little student, I might add :)

 Hailey was the teacher.  She loves to pretend
she is a kindergarten teacher.  I played along
with her the other day, and was a student.
It's pretty funny listening to her be
the teacher, I love it.

 I tried making the girls a cute breakfast
smiley face with their eggs & bacon.  Hailey
was not impressed...haha.  She said it needed a nose!

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