Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day of First Grade

The cutest little first grader that ever existed started school today!  I knew it was coming, but man, time flies.  She was SO excited.  Jaren was able to go into work a little bit late and go with me to drop her off.  She didn't get nervous until about five minutes before we got there.  Even though I was glad school started, I really missed her during the day, and Addy was really happy to see her.  She had a great first day!  She was so excited she came home and played school with Addy...cute girls.

We did this last year and she loved it!  Cute little Hailey ♥♥

 Meet the teacher day.  Hailey was SOOOOO excited
for this day to finally arrive.  She also met the teacher's
daughter, who is also in her class.  

 Another great Pinterest idea.  It says "Dear Hailey, have fun
at first grade tomorrow.  You can write all about it in your new
diary.  Be good and don't forget to smile.  Love, the Back to
School Fairy."  This is perfect for Hailey because she is 
starting to write things down that she does each cute!

The backpack that she picked out.  Princesses
and glitter, you can definitely tell she is a girl!

 Just out of bed, finding her new diary.

I decorated her headboard with "first grade".  Last year
we did the same thing with kindergarten on her door.  It
stayed up all year long, she loved it.
She was just a little excited.....


 Writing in her diary from the "First Day of
School Fairy"....she LOVED IT!  She ran in
and told Jaren and said "I can't believe I
have my very own diary"...haha.

 With her lunchbox, all ready to go.

 Driving there, getting a little bit nervous.

 Heading to school.  This is the PE teacher who makes
sure the kids get across the parking lot okay.  Hailey
said he was "really nice, but a grandpa"...haha.


  1. Love all your first day stuff. The chalk board pics are adorable...frame-worth even!

  2. Awww thanks Amy. We did it last year for kindergarten, and will probably do it until Hailey won't let me any longer.
