Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fourth of July

Fourth of July was a pretty low key day at our house.  We didn't do anything until we went over to Jim & Gwen's house for pizza and fireworks.  Our girls were not big fans of the fireworks.  Hailey went from being scared, to wanting to go out and watch them, back to being scared and running in the house a million times.  I was outside watching them until one of them zipped by Grandma Petersen's head, and missed her by a few feet.  I went in with Grandma and Stephanie and enjoyed the air conditioning, it was so hot outside!

 Hailey and her sparkler, which she dunked
in water after about thirty seconds.  She got burned
a few years back from one and is still a little scared.

 Addy didn't want anything to do with it.

Addy watched a lot of the fireworks, then eventually
fell asleep on Uncle Jace's shoulder.  I plopped her on the
couch, poor sweaty girl, it was SO hot.  She didn't wake up on 
the car ride home, or when we put her in her bed, she
was SOOO tired!

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