Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mall Fun

The girls have been begging, and begging....and BEGGING to go to the mall to ride the carousel.  So, a day last week I caved.  I'm not a huge mall person, but we had lots of fun.  They got to ride the carousel twice.  Then they got to ride on the little ride on animals that they can drive all throughout the mall, that was funny!  After that we went for pizza and looked in a couple of stores.  We couldn't leave without getting a cookie from Paradise Bakery....mmmm.  All in all it was a fun little outing.

 Hailey used to pick the pink horse on the carousel, but
now she almost always chooses the tea cup.

 She loves to spin herself silly!

 It's funny how something as simple as a two 
minute carousel ride can make a kids day.

 Addy doesn't care what she rides, as long as it's
near one Hailey is riding.

 Look at that cute, scrunched up smile, I love it!

 Crappy phone picture, but here is Hailey driving the
panda through the mall.  Addy was not so sure at first.

 Addy's turn to be the driver.  This only last about ten seconds
because she was too little to push the "go" button and steer.

 Hailey was a little too big for this, but what
the heck, it was fun!

Pizza!  I love my girls so much.  Even though the days are
crazy hectic, and they drive me bonkers at times, I know
that I am so blessed to be able to be their mommy ♥♥


  1. I always take the longest route around the mall to avoid the carousel. I get so dizzy just watching it go around that there is no way I could ride on it with my girls. I love the picture of hailey in the little ride. So funny! It looks lie she's loving it!

  2. I try to avoid the carousel but then I always cave, because they love it. I can't believe how a simple two minute ride can make them so happy! So cute! But it's really expensive!
