Love this girl! She is developing the
funniest personality lately. Always trying
to make us laugh, usually talking about
poop or toots or some other potty talk haha.
I legit cannot get her to stop. At this point, all
I can do is use it to embarrass her in front of
a future boyfriend when she's older lol.
Addy received this kite at her last birthday,
almost a year ago! Being the horrible parent
that I am, we just barley opened it up haha. Turns out, it
doesn't fly too well, so we weren't missing anything lol.
Then we brought out our old Barbie kite,
and it kept dive bombing the kids. We
laughed so hard!!
Addy wanted her hair in a "bumpy"
pony tail just like her little friend Sophie at school.
Church with these two cute chicks!
New pool toy that last only a week
before popping, as usual lol.
This little six year old is
reading huge chapter books!
So proud of her!
This girl LOVES games. I'm a bad mom
and don't play them with her very often.
She practically begs lol. Especially Spot It.
At least it's a quick game.
Watching Addy swim.
Too cute!
Eating at Texas Roadhouse with the girls.
Giddy Up!
Cute little cowgirl.
Haha...looking a little fancy!
Swimming with cousins John, Hannah and Elsie.
Blurry picture, but this is the girls doing "mom school". Every
summer I say I'm making them do school work, and I don't. This
year I got my booty organized, and they do it every morning, with
almost no complaints!! I just don't want them to lose what they learned
over the year, especially Hailey, who is doing long division and getting
into more difficult fractions. And Addy mainly needs to continue doing
awesome with her math, and learn time and money better.
Waiting in the car for Nana and Papa
to come out of their doctor appoint.
One of them was not being very
One of them was not being very
patient (ahem....Addy haha).
Girls been working on her
squats haha!
Hailey went to a church swim party, and
Addy talked me into the mall. I am NOT a mall
person at all. I am terrified that there will be a
mall shooting. I know my thoughts are completely
irrational, but I can't help it. My mind always
thinks the absolute worst. It sucks!
Mall play area, or what my neighbor
calls a petri dish haha. So true.
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