Thursday, February 23, 2017


Both girls got horrible colds in February.  Hailey recovered from hers pretty quickly, but Addy's turned into a really bad respiratory infection.  Poor girl could not stop coughing up mucus. We took her to urgent care and they gave her antibiotics for a possible ear infection.  Then a day or so later, she started sneezing constantly.  I'm not talking about sneezing a bunch throughout the day, she was literally doing it a hundred times an hour.  She could not stop, and it was making her miserable.  I took her back to urgent care, and she was holding them in, so they didn't even know what to think.  I was the crazy mom taking her kid to urgent care for non stop sneezing, and here she was, not sneezing haha.  The moment we left, she started up again.  I was at a loss.  The next couple of days, we gave her Benadryl, and it slowly got less and less until it stopped.  She was still having a really hard time breathing, so we took her to her normal doctor.  The doctor suspected pneumonia, and ordered X Rays.  Luckily she did not have pneumonia, just a bad viral infection.  They gave her some meds to help her get better.  Poor thing, she was miserable.

 On our way to urgent care.  She was
soooo tired, and didn't want to go.

 Our little sickie, home from school.

 Feeling a little better.

 Poor thing looks miserable! 

 Hailey home from school.

 Doctor visit for both of them.  Hailey was already
feeling better at this point, but not Addy.

 This is what your house looks like when you
have kids home sick from school!

Poor girl.  She also got a bad case of pink eye.

A little smile!  I was trying to get a picture of what
all the coughing did to her eye. 

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