Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Pictures from February

Random pictures from February....

 Ready for church in their new dresses.

 Addy about to foam roll, while eating
an ice pop haha.  This girl loves to workout.

For Valentine's day class treats, we ordered a huge pack of fifty
punch balloons.  The girls were excited to hand some out
to their little neighborhood friends.

 Playing store.

 Making pancakes.  This girl would like to learn to cook
more, I just need to let go of control and let her do it haha.
I'm so nervous she'll get raw egg all over everything.

 We bought new couches and gave our old ones to Jim
and Gwen.  Addy and John got to ride over to their
house (once we got into the neighborhood) on the old ones.

 Addy and Elsie.

 Our new couches.  I love them!

 Acting like a teenager haha.

 Hailey's report on George Washington.  She did
a great job on it.

 Playing Racko with Hailey.  Nana and
I used to love to play this game. 

 Spot It is one of Addy's favorites.

She is SO good and coming home
and getting her homework done right away.

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