Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Addy Lose's First Tooth

We thought Addy's first wiggly tooth was going to come out on Christmas Eve, but it's been hanging on ever since.  I thought she'd be brave and yank it out, but the more loose it became, the more nervous she seemed about it.  It literally could twist almost all the way around in her mouth!  Fast forward almost six weeks, and it came out while she was eating a popsicle.  She was SO excited.  We didn't realize her big tooth was already growing in behind it.  It came in so fast, that we didn't get to enjoy that gummy smile at all, which made me sad. I love kids with missing teeth, it's so cute!

Almost out!  That thing is just
hanging on!!

And it's out!  Yeah Addy!

Ready to put the tooth fairy pillow under her bed.

 She got two dollars and a
new Beenie Boo.  Poor girl had been
so sick, and you can tell in her face. 

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