Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Seeing Santa

Jaren and I tried to take the girls to Bass Pro to see Santa, but they were all booked up for the day.  I completely forgot that this had happened last year too, so we had to come back a different day.  They have something called a Bass Pass where you go earlier in the day and get a pass for a certain time slot to come back later that day.  So, while Jaren was working a bit late, the girls and I went.  We still had to wait about forty-five minutes, but I guess that's what happens when it's free!  The girls loved it!  Hailey told Santa she wanted a go-kart and he said "now that's what I'm talking about"...haha!  She also told him she wanted a sewing machine made for kids.  Addy wasn't shy at all this year, which is shocking.  She told Santa she wanted a big doll house and candy!  Our Addy girl sure loves candy! 

 Hailey being a good big sister and helping Addy write
her letter to Santa.  Addy is all about writing these days, but
it was almost our turn to see him, so Hailey helped!
 Mailing their letters to Santa.
 Merry Go Round fun!

 Although Hailey knows who Santa really is...she
still believes in a way, it's kinda cute! 

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