Thursday, December 17, 2015

School Christmas Parties

We are SOOOO happy school is out for Christmas break!  No more crazy mornings...I LOVE it!!  I just don't know how families with more kids do it.  I only have two, and it's crazy hectic.  But, we do have Remi, and he's kinda like a kid haha!  Anyhow, the girls had their school parties at the same time, so I kind of switched back and forth to each of their classrooms.  Hailey's was a bit crazy, so I didn't get to take too many pictures.  Anyhow, they both LOVED their parties and were so excited to be off for a couple of weeks!

 Treats for Hailey's class.  I only planned on making a box of
brownies, then discovered the box didn't make thirty servings...oops!
Luckily I had stuff on hand for rice crispy treats!  Here's to
planning better next year!!
 Hailey and cousin John.  These two have been in each other's
class for second and third grades.  I'm glad she has so many
cousins that attend the same school.
 Hailey with her friends!
Back in class and playing
M&M bingo!
 Addy had stations that they went to, each
with a different activity.  The first one was
decorating sugar cookies.  I tried not to notice
that the kids were licking the spoon.....yuck!  I
shouldn't have been surprised that Addy came down
with a cough and runny nose a few days later.
 Next station was peppermint play dough, so fun!
 Then it was on to coloring Christmas pages.
Making a candy cane out of pipe cleaners.

And last was pin Rudolph's nose on.

Afterward she got to play on the playground
while she waited for Hailey and cousins to get out.

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