Addy is four!! Time sure does go by in the blink of an eye! It feels like we just barley brought her home from the hospital, and that she should still be crawling around on her knees! Haha...she knew how to walk for the longest time, but preferred walking on her knees. She would do this to the point of them bleeding, and I had to make her little pads! Although she knows how to throw some pretty wild and crazy tantrums, Addy is THE sweetest little girl I know. I've never seen a kid be so willing to share as much as she does! She will, and has on many occasions, give up her treat to make you happy! It melts my heart! Right now she is into everything princess and LOVES to learn! She is very logical, and is easy to reason with!! She LOVES the book Guess How Much I Love You, and knows it by heart. She also loves the tv series from that book, and has watched every episode multiple times. She loves to sing and make people laugh. I feel so blessed to call her ours!! We love you Addison!!
Some older pics, just for fun. I was only going to add a couple, but I kept scrolling through all of my old pictures and couldn't help myself! Man, I wish I could snuggle her as a baby again!
One day old, so sweet!
Hailey loved to feed her!
Grandpa Cleiburn and Addy!
So comfy! I think she was about three months old here.
Smiley girl! She loved her baths.
Trying to get some smiles out of her!
First time at the splash pad.
Her knee pads, since the little turkey didn't want to walk!
Trying on Hailey's old shoes.
Addy had a slight "gaga" obsession, which is what she called
her pacifiers. My niece called them her Lady Gagas..haha.
Her first oreo, she was in heaven!
I might be biased, but she is so stinking cute!!
Walking with big sister.
Cute little bottom teeth!
Matchy matchy!
This was SO funny! I remember I was making dinner, and had
a million things running through my head. Addy was on the floor
playing with something, and I remember thinking "Oh good, she's
entertaining herself." I should've paid more attention, because she
was playing with a HUGE tub of Desitin! She was so proud of
herself, it was so funny! That stuff is hard to scrub off, and water
was literally beading off of her body...haha!
On her birthday.....
She woke up and said "I'm four!" It was so cute! Then she
had smiley face pancakes on the plate Hailey made her.
Then she had to have a bath because she was all sticky
from syrup. Don't mind the naked Ken doll haha!
Four! Crazy! This is her new favorite doll from cousin Elsie.
It's a cute little fairy, and she LOVES it. She named her
Ellie, and she has been sleeping with her every night!
I've even peeked in on her at night and she is
squeezing her, so sweet!
Getting into the sprinkles from her cake!
Pretty little Hailey!
Excited about her new doll, love her face haha.
Checking out her new princess earrings.
Her Birthday questionnaire...
How old are you? Four
Who is your best friend? Elsie (cousin)
What is your favorite thing to do? Paint
What is your favorite color? Pink (of course, she's all girl)
What is your favorite food? Mac n cheese
What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Play Spot It
What is your favorite toy? Frozen microphone
What do you want to be when you grow up? A big sister (awwwww)
What makes you happy? Playing with Elsie & Hailey
What makes you sad? When daddy spanks me (haha, sorry Jaren, even though it's probably happened twice in her life haha)
What is your favorite show to watch? Guess How Much I Love You
What is your favorite book? Guess How Much I Love You
What do you love to learn about? Letters
What was the best part of your birthday? Eating cupcakes
Where do you like to go? The zoo
Who is your teacher? Ms. Tiffany
What is your favorite treat? Cupcakes
What do you think about before you fall asleep? That I'm four (awww)
If you could meet someone, who would it be? Frozen Girls
What was your favorite birthday present? New doll