Sunday, December 8, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

Our elf made her first appearance last week.  The girls were SOOO excited when they found her the first morning.  It's been a lot of fun watching them every morning.  Three times now Hailey has woken up around midnight and came in our bedroom and told us where she was...haha.  Hailey is just slightly obsessed with her.  She carries her around EVERYWHERE!  I know they are not supposed to touch the elf, or it will lose it's magic, but, for the past two years, our girls have not followed that rule, and this year I kinda gave up on it!  Oh yeah, they named her Holly.

 On day one, Holly the Elf was found on the
table with donuts for the girls!  She also
had little elf donuts that she had been eating!!

 Day two she was found playing follow the
leader with a minivan and a school bus!  The
girls thought this was hilarious!

 Day three she had written us a message
on the chalk board.

 Day four we found her drinking out
of the syrup bottle with a straw....hope
the girls don't get any ideas....haha.

 Day five she was on the couch watching
a movie, eating popcorn!

 Day six she was up on the plant
shelf, riding a chicken!

Day seven she was hanging from 
our count down to Christmas chain.

Now just a few pics to show how much Hailey LOVES our elf.....

 Reading to her....

 Taking her for a walk in the stroller...

 Explaining her homework to her...

 Practicing piano with her...

 Eating dinner with her.  She gave her a bottle
and some cherrios....haha.
And sleeping with cute!  We had to sneak her out
of her arms so she could get back to the North Pole that night!


  1. Everything about this post is hilarious and precious all at the same time. Holly really has a lot of fun at you house! I love seeing all the pictures of hailey with the elf. Such a sweet girl!
