Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Festival

Hailey had her Fall Festival on Halloween, the last two hours of school.  Jaren, Addy and I went, and it was a lot of fun.  Her last school had one, and I have to say we enjoyed her new schools A LOT better.  There are only about one hundred students at her school, so it was more laid back, less hectic, very short lines for games, and a lot of fun.  Addy was a bit crabby, but she still had fun.  All she wanted to do was go in the bounce house and swing.  Hailey had tons of fun.  As soon as she saw us, her face lit up!

 Hailey had been talking about the face painting for about
a week.  She was SUPER excited.  Even more exciting, her
teacher was the one painting faces!  She got a cute
little black cat.  This was the first time she has
ever had her face painted!

 Fun games.  The one on the left she got to throw a wet
sponge at someone's face...haha.  She really enjoyed 
that one!  The other pic is a bean bag toss.

Daddy helping Addy with a game, and Addy
showing off her prize, pretzels.  These pretzels
would latter make their way into our Halloween
candy basket and were handed out to some kid,
the girls did not consider it good enough
candy to keep...haha.

 Having fun in the bounce house!  Addy kept going in
over, and over and over!

This goldfish race game was really funny, but
really gross, because I am a total germaphobic!
They had two rain gutters side by side, with the
ends capped.  The kids would pick a fish, put it at the
starting line, and blow bubbles through a straw to
get their fish to race to the end.  Hailey kept saying
"ewww I don't want to touch it".  All the moms were
saying "don't suck up through the straw!!"....lol.

 The kids really loved this game!

She was SOOOO proud of her little fish.  She named
it orange and white jelly....don't ask!  She showed all
of her friends, teachers and the principal.  We warned
her that it would probably only live a few days.  She
did not like that....lol. She has plans to bury him in
the backyard when the time comes.  So far, he is still
alive and kicking in the fish tank.

 Hailey bowling.  It was cute hearing the little
boy who was running the game cheer her on.

 Showing off her eye patch prize.

 Addy enjoying swinging and her green snow cone.
When we went to the snow cone booth, the two kids
running it said that the green was really runny.  Green
was the color Addy wanted.  Here is our conversation:
Me:  Addy, the green is not good, you can either have
red or blue, which one do you want?
Addy:  Green
Me:  You can't have green, do you want red or blue?
Addy: Green
Me:  Your choices are red or blue.
Addy: Green
Me:  Ahhhhhhh
 So she had green.
Hailey enjoying her red snow cone and popcorn.  This
day was the day of junk food!

 Fishing game.  Hailey played it.  Addy got mad waiting
in line and threw down her fishing pole...naughty girl!

 Ring toss game.  Addy had to be called back to get
her prize.  She didn't really understand the whole
"play a game, get a prize" concept.

Addy spent a lot of time on the slide.  There was a mom
sitting by it, and every time Addy went down, she
would go tap her on the knee...haha.

 Hailey at the cookie decorating station.

Ummmm....that cookie looks a little gross to me....haha.
But, Hailey LOVED it, and I guess that's all that counts!

 Jaren ended up holding everything....haha.
Two snow cones, popcorn, prize bag
and the goldfish.

Hailey doing the cake walk.  I'm pretty sure the cake
walk game is Hailey's favorite game ever.  She won a
huge chocolate cake last year.  This year she picked
a cup cake, which she said was nasty, but she still had fun.

Some picture of Hailey's school.  This is basically the
playground area.  On the right, Hailey is standing
outside of her classroom.

 Hailey's classroom, and her little Fall Festival Badge.


  1. That looks like such a fun festival. I'm cracking up about Jaren carrying everything. That is exactly what happens to mike. We joke that he's our bag lady. Our festival is this Saturday and I've been haunted all week by the thought of the crowds and the lines. I hope it's not too out of control.

  2. That's funny you call him your bag lady...haha. I'm sure you guys will have fun at your festival. It was really hot last year, and that probably made it not as fun to me. I bet Kieralyn is excited!
