Monday, November 4, 2013

Addy's Swim Class

Addy started swim lessons today at EVO swim school.  Hailey started when she was just over two and was swimming the length of the pool by three.  I've been wanting to start Addy for awhile, but I had to talk Jaren into it!  He said I could teach her to swim, but I tried over the summer, and I wasn't that great of a teacher.  She was little Mrs. Grouchy Pants before we left the house, super happy in the car, fine the first five minutes of lessons, and sobbing pretty much the rest of the twenty-five minutes of her lesson.  It was heartbreaking for me to watch. Hailey did the same thing on her first lesson, and loved it after that.  Addy kept turning around, looking at me with a look in her eyes that said "why are you not helping me?"  I wanted to go rescue her from her lesson!  Addy is our little timid girl, and is scared of pretty much...EVERYTHING!  At one point she got up and started walking off, crying for me, and her teacher had to get out of the water and get her.  Hailey did that too.  But, Hailey did not get ticked and throw her goggles...haha.  Yes, she did that.  But, she was a good girl and crawled over and picked them up and sat back down on the step.  Sweet little Addy girl....hope she does better next week!

 Before leaving the house.  She didn't
even want to look at me....little stinker!

 "I'll look at you, but I'm gonna close
one on and make a face!"


 A teeny smile...good enough :)

 Happy girl, on the way, eating
graham crackers.

 Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!  
I love my kids in goggles!  This was before
her lesson, still happy.

 Nana & Papa came to watch.  Lessons were about to
start, and I think she was thinking something 
like "what have I gotten myself into?"...haha.

 Still smiling, but not in the water yet.

 Waiting her turn.

 Definitely NOT a happy girl now.  I felt SO
bad for her!  But, we have a pool, and even though
it is ALWAYS locked, for my own piece of mind,
I need to know that she can swim!

 Out in the water with her teacher.

 Going on the boat ride...YEAH lessons
are almost over.  I think she was liking this!

 Almost a smile!!

She tired herself out and came home
and crashed after lunch.


  1. So sweet that little addy girl! I love the picture of her in her goggles and the one of her clinging to her teacher for dear life. Such a sweetheart!

  2. Awww thanks Jamie. She is such a sweet little girl! Although, she's starting to get a little rotten streak in!
