Friday, September 27, 2013

Fun at Vertuccio Farms

Vertuccio Farms is a little family owned farm in Mesa that we love to go to in the Fall.  They have lots of things for the girls to do, and they love it.  For their opening day of the season, you could get in free if you came at 7:30, so that's what we did.  The girls had a blast, and the news was even there filming, and the girls were on tv.  Lots of fun, and we bought season passes, so we will definitely be going back since Hailey has Fridays off from school.

 Look at these cuties!  I'm so happy Fall is finally here, and
the weather is cooling off and we can enjoy getting out.

 The girls love milking this fake cow
every time we come to the farm.

 This was new this year, duck races.  You had to use the
red pump to pump enough water so your duck would
go swimming down the pipe, they loved it.

 Bounce house fun!

 I loved watching Hailey try this.  It
was really tough!

 The giant bounce pillow!  The best thing there, I think!

This was also new this year, a giant spider web...cute.


  1. Now that the weather is cooling off I feel like venturing out with my herd a little more. I HAVE to take my girls here. No excuses!! Fall break is in two weeks so I'm putting this one on our schedule. :)

  2. We bought a two season passes, you are welcome to use it if you want. It's just a little business card that says "Petersen X2" on it. I don't think they would check for ID, but ya never know :) Otherwise it's eight bucks to get in. Three and under is free though, so that's cool! IT's a really fun place!
