Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Vertuccio Farms

We usually end up at Vertuccio Farms at least once during the month of October.  This time, it was HOT!!  The girls had fun, but not as much fun as we've had other times.  There were a lot of people there too, that probably contributed to it. 

 Love these cute girls of mine! 

 So flipping hot!  Snow cones to the rescue!

 They love this cow!!

 My little farm girl!

 Ping pong.  Seems a little weird to
have there, but whatever, they had fun.

 Addy was not happy on this little climbing hay maze for
whatever reason.  She's loved it before, but she was feisty
and starting throwing a fit, little turd!

 These racing barrels were new this year,
and were very hard!!

 Zip lining was also new.  Hailey loved it.  Addy was either
too short, or didn't want to go, I can't remember.

 The cow train.

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