Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pictures from October

 Family bike ride.  The girls love to go to the school parking
lot and ride around on their bikes and go kart.

 Picture day at school for these cute girls! 

 Hailey had an auction at school.  They earn
baseball bucks and have an auction every quarter.
Today she came home with the shirt she is wearing,
a jump rope for Addy, and a few more things.  I was
so happy that she thought of Addy!  Such a good big sister!

 Running the stadiums at the school with me.

 Addy got this tiny baby doll at Walmart,
and the girls could not stop laughing at
how big its bottom was haha!!

 Baby got back haha!  Jaren goofing
off with some balloons!  I could
not stop laughing!!

 So cute!  The girls were playing beauty salon, and I
found this cute little menu of different options.

 Playing at the park.  It was HOT! 
Cute little Addy just loves her fake glasses.

 My pretty Hailey girl.  She played hard
and got all red and sweaty.

 Silly sisters!

 Another piano recital for Hailey.  She did
an excellent job!!  Go Hailey!

 Making a chocolate pie....mmmmmm.

 Family night at the park.  Jaren put them
through a little workout!

 This was hilarious, and a bit creepy.  Hailey was
very sad that we didn't have any Halloween decorations,
so she used her own money to buy some, which included
this skeleton.  Well, one day I walked into the playroom
to find this.  I read the note and couldn't stop laughing.

 The note says "how to get girls to date you and how you
should kill them if they say no".  Ummmm creepy!  I think
she has been hanging out with cousin John too much haha.

 Hailey (bottom left) had an Activity Days where you
got to show off your talents.  Each girl did something, dance,
singing, tumbling, etc.  Hailey played a Christmas song
that she had been practicing. She played it beautifully!

 New outfit.  Hailey is starting to really
care what she wears. It's been a fun
stage so far.  She looks so cute!!

Fall Festival at school, and this is
the only picture I took!!

 Haha Addy's face!!  Silly girl cannot take a picture anymore
without looking crazy!  We were making sugar cookies
to decorate with cousins.

 Decorating cookies with cousins, and Alycia. 

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