Friday, July 1, 2016

Pictures from the Week

Pictures from the week....

Addy practicing her splits on the bed haha.  Silly girl.

At Skateland for a birthday party
for Hailey's friend Cloe.

At Cloe's birthday party.  She was so excited
to get a glow stick!

Jaren bought this push mower off of an auction site for
like five bucks!  Hailey loves it!

Doing sit-ups in the pool haha.  This picture makes me laugh!

Remi was going nuts over the water spraying out.

We used our Pogo Passes and tried out
a new trampoline place with Elsie.

The girls made a house in the family room.

Hailey found this bird nest after a monsoon storm.
You can't really tell from the picture, but it was a
pretty impressive nest, it was super deep!

Playing at the park the morning after a storm.  Not many days
to do parks during the summer, but this day was nice and cool.

At the park.

After the park we came home and rode bikes and
the go kart in the cul de sac.

Silly girl!

We took Remi to the Vet for his shots.  Dumb dog got nervous
and end up biting a vet tech on the wrist!  I couldn't believe it
and I was so embarrassed!  Dumb dog! 

Who knew shredding paper could be so fun?

I got a new purse and gave the girls my
old one.  Addy went "shopping" right away!

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