Sunday, July 31, 2016

Making Donuts

Hailey got a mini donut maker for Christmas, and the girls love making them.  They always turn out so cute!  And they are pretty tasty too.

 Cute little baker!

 Look how cute they turned out!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Workout Girls

Jaren and I have been working out a lot lately, and the girls join us a lot of the time.  It's true when they say little eyes are watching, because they even play "workout" haha.  I'm glad we are setting a good example to take care of their bodies, and I hope it's something they will always remember and try to do.

 Hailey was going to an Activity Days
for church, and they were doing a
cardio class.  She LOVED it.  And
look how adorable she looked!

 Flex it girl! 

 The girls and Elsie stretching before their workout.

 Haha...this was hilarious.  The girls came out in my sports
bras!  I'm sure they will love it when we show this
pictures to their boyfriends some day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Misc Pictures From July

I was such a bad blogger, and didn't write anything down for these pictures, so I'm going off of memory. 

 I will be honest and admit that it drives me completely
bonkers when the kids pull the huge play kitchen out into
the living room, and the table and chairs from the garage.  I
feel like they have the whole play room to be in, and I feel
like the house is trashed haha!  But, it is pretty cute watching
them play house, so I should probably just learn to relax and
let them play.  But, if they would only clean it up as easily
as they pull it all out lol.

 Frozen yogurt with these cute chicks!!

 We have used our pull more this summer
than we have in the six years we have lived here.
We picked up these little tubes at the dollar store,
and the kids have loved them.  Fought over them
numerous times, but loved them!  Little stinkers!

 This girl loves to play memory!

 Chic Fil A lunch date.  I love the food there!  The girls
like it, but I think they mostly like the play area!

 Cupcakes at Farran's house for Tayson's birthday.

 Waiting at the doctor's office. 

 This girly was going to her friend Lucy's
birthday party.  She is normally SO scared and
will not go anywhere without me.  I was so proud
of her for going, and staying, all by herself.  She was
a little hesitant, but she did it, and had a blast.  She
is slowly growing out of this phase, and we are so happy!

 While Addy went to Lucy's party,
Hailey and I went to a baker and
got cupcakes...MMMMM.

 After the party.  She was SO excited
to tell us all about it.

 Making cookies!

 True love haha!  Her favorite part,
adding the chocolate chips.  The girls
definitely take after their mama with
their love of all things chocolate!

 Just eating breakfast in a princess dress!

 Silly girl!

 I babysat Elsie most of the summer again, and these girls
swam their little hearts out almost every day!

 Workout Girls!

 The girls and I went with Farrans to goofy golf.

 Addy was being silly in the bathtub and
wanted me to take her picture.

 Addy and cousin Hannah.  Love Addy's
outfit...a leotard and boots haha!

 Cute little princesses.

 This girl loves to help in the kitchen.
I don't always have the patience to let
her, but she is always willing to help!

 Little poser, always wanting
me to take her picture lately.

 Jaren cooking...a very rare occasion haha!
The girls, always willing to help when
it comes to cooking.