Okay, so I'm definitely not going blog about our week! Not sure what I was thinking, there is just not enough time to do everything, and I don't see myself keeping up with that, that's for sure!
So far February is going great! The kids are both busy with school and each of them had a Valentine's party that they LOVED! Hailey got to have a pizza party and Addy had a ice cream party. Both came home very excited over their Valentines they received from their friends.
February has been the month of sickness so far! The girls seem to keep getting one cold on top of another, and it's driving me bonkers. I am trying to stress hand washing and keeping our hands out of our mouths, but sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall! Now I know why my mom used to say that haha! Hailey just finished her cold, and poor Addy, she had a terrible sore throat for a good week! I finally took her in and they gave her a steroid shot for her cough. I thought she was getting pink eye too, but I guess it was just part of the virus she had. Then I finally caught what Addy had. I was in so much pain, with blisters in my throat. One night, it felt like my throat was on fire, and it brought me to tears to swallow. It was terrible! I finally went to the doctor and got some meds, so hopefully I will be feeling better soon! It's hard being the mom and being sick! Moms don't get breaks!
I need to be better at writing these down more often, but here are some funny things the girls have said lately:
After Addy came back from her eye doctor appointment, Addy was explaining to Hailey that they dilated her eyes, and that the black part of her eyes were bigger. Hailey gets all serious and says "Wait what?! Addy can see more than me? No fair! Addy, how many fingers am I holding up?!" Haha it sounded so funny!
This is bad, and I shouldn't laugh, but it was really funny! Our family has been going over the idea to get a dog for a loooong time! Anyhow, I tell the kids that I can't handle kids that don't listen, and a puppy! I've probably told Hailey that fifty times. She knows that if she wants a puppy, she really needs to work on her attitude. Well, one day I was arguing with her, and I sent her to her room. I couldn't see her in her room, but Addy could. Addy says "ummmm, she's putting her fist in the air", "ummmm, now she called me stupid". Then I hear Addy say "what the hell? You are definitely not owning a puppy!" Haha, I know I shouldn't laugh but it was soooo funny to hear her say that.
Hailey came out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her laughing. She turned around and showed me her tush saying "my butt has a snuggie in the towel"...lol. Silly girl!
We had cousins over while Jim & Gwen went on a date. Jaren, Reagan and I were in one room, and John, Hailey and Addy were playing in the other room. They were playing house. All of a sudden we heard Hailey say "Your daughter is about to become a real woman." Jaren and I looked at each other and started laughing so hard! I went in to see what was going on and it turns out Hailey had learned about a Quinceanera at school.....phew! It was SOOO funny!
Hailey and Addy were at the table eating ham and cheese on Ritz crackers. Addy said she was going to name the snack something, I can't remember what, but then I hear Hailey say "Addy, scientists have already come up with a name for this, it's ham and cheese crackers!" Haha....scientists!
Report card donuts! This girl got all A's
and got to pick out six yummy donuts!
Lucky for Addy, Hailey always shares
her donuts with us!!
Addy & Elsie at the park. In one week we
spent about eight hours here!
Pushing her babies in the baby swings!
Elsie & Addy playing with the race track. This
little toy has gotten so much use since Christmas!
Hailey working on her "All About You" poster for school
for her birthday! Silly girl, never thought of
using a table that way!
All done! She was so excited to take it to school.
These girls have been playing with play dough nearly every single day!
My poor garden! We had a couple of weeks of freezing
temps, and I got too lazy to cover them each night. Too
bad because I lost about two hundred tomatoes! This was
just part of it, I already pulled out the other plants.
This was kinda cool. We had an entire dozen
eggs with double yolks in them! The girls were
amazed. Hailey called them our butt eggs haha!
Bike ride to the fountain with this cutie pie!
Jaren came home with a two pound jar of
Nutella for me! He knows me well!!
I'm bummed this picture was too dark. Since turning
eight, Hailey got to go to her very first Activity Days
for church. She was SOOO excited.
Buying her baptism dress. She was SOOO happy!
Drawing in the driveway.
Picnic in the driveway before riding bikes.
Addy at the library. She always wants to go on the computers,
and I always don't want her to haha! Every time we go on them,
it takes forever to find a game for her, and then she hates it.
Picked up dilly bars from DQ while waiting
for big sister to get out of dance.
This little monkey feel asleep on Jaren ♥
Dilly bars in the tub. You should've seen the tub after the water
was drained. The girls pick off most off the chocolate, in little
bits, and it either ends up in their mouth or in the tub. The tub
had little specks of chocolate EVERYWHERE...sigh! So much
for easy baths. I had to give the tub a good scrub down after that!
Our girls are still at the age where they LOVE to play in the
tub. They would be in there for an hour if I let them. Every
now and then I freeze water in weird shapes, or freeze toys
in them, they love it!
Addy helping make dinner.
Elsie riding Addy's bike.
Another drive way picnic.
We were watching Jim and Gwen's kids for date night. Jaren,
Reagan and I had fun looking at all of our blog books from
the previous years. So many memories!
Addy in Hailey's Annie dress.
Now Hailey's turn for the Annie dress. These three were
putting on some sort of play, silly kids. I love that
part of Addy's Indian costume is on John's leg haha.
Addy helping make pancakes.
Waiting patiently lol.
Still waiting...
Playing with the doll house. I let her fill up
the Barbie pool to use. It was fun until
it leaked all over the floor and rug!
Such a good daddy!
I usually say no to TV in the mornings, but some mornings,
it's just easier! They were watching Netlifx on the tablet.
Painting their little ceramic animals from Christmas.
Window art craft, these are SO fun, even I love them!
Addy insisted I take her picture with the paint lol.
My monster window art, which is now hanging
on the bathroom mirror. I wonder how long I need to
keep them hanging before I can take them down
without the girls completely freaking?!
Buttercups new favorite treat, corn.
I love when Hailey reads to Addy! Addy is into making
funny faces every time I pull out the camera, silly girl!
On our last date night, we bought a Dust Buster. Why have
we not had one of these things?! The girls LOVE to clean up
their own messes now, to the point of arguing who gets to clean!
Elsie and Addy playing with bubbles after school.
Butter Butt, as the girls have renamed her, enjoying her corn.
Addy pretending to be asleep while Hailey reads.
Puppies!! We are contemplating adopting a puppy! Such a
big decision. We've literally been decided for two years haha!
We went to see this ladies puppies, just to see what we were getting
into. These puppies were already adopted. We are now deciding
whether or not to get a puppy from a future litter. We'll see!
After activity days, she came home with a mini loaf
of bread to make. She had to rush off to dance, so
I baked it for her while she was gone. It
was so yummy! And, the bread the girls made
was used for sacrament the following week!
It was raining for two days, and the girls were really cooped up.
We decided to go to San Tan mall area and go see the puppies,
and maybe play on the play area if it was covered. The girls
were really sad that the play area was not covered, and was
soaking wet. But, they had fun at the pet shop. There was
literally NO ONE out shopping. The lady at the pet shop asked
Hailey if she wanted to play with a puppy and her eyes lit up!
We were laughing so hard because this little pup
turned into a big time ankle biter! Addy was afraid,
I was trying to act not afraid haha!
Addy liked the dogs much better when they were
contained in this little play area!
We had crazy fog one morning on our way to church.
So weird! One morning we had two javelin roaming
our neighborhood for a few hours! Game and Fish
didn't seem too concerned, but all of us neighbors did!
Playing school. Hailey loves to be the teacher!
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