Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hailey Turns Eight!!!

How did our little Hailey Bug turn eight?!  Man, I'm feeling really old lately.  I wish I could turn back time and have her running around in diapers, seriously!  My parents have said many times that they would give anything to have all of us kids little again.  Even though Hailey is only eight, I totally get what they are saying.  I love seeing our girls grow up and be more independent and all, but it makes me sad at the same time.  Guess it just goes to show I need to enjoy every day to it's fullest, because it really does go by so stinking fast.  Anyhow, back to the birthday girl!  She had a great day, one of the best ever, according to her!  Jaren had to work until noon, so we opened presents before he left that morning.  She got a radio/CD player, a Taylor Swift CD (I have now heard more Taylor Swift than anyone should hear in an entire lifetime), a kid bopz CD, some play makeup, a fashion designer book and some candy.  She loved everything!  After that we met our old neighbors, the Wigleys, at Red Robin for some yummy lunch.  Makenzey Wigley and Hailey have the same birthday, and are only six hours apart.  They are such good friends and had a great time at lunch.  The waitress ended up giving all of the kids a birthday sundae and sang to them, it was cute!  After lunch, Jaren got off work and we went to the open house to her brand new school!  It was so neat seeing her school after waiting five months for it to be built!  Later that day John, Reagan and Hannah came over because it was our turn to babysit for date night.  The kids had tons of fun running around playing, and we made pazookies for dessert and sang to Hailey!  We decided to have her birthday party the following Saturday, since her actual birthday was on winter break. 

 Woke up bright and early and saw her
gifts on the table.

 I tried making snowman waffles.  They were a
little funky looking, but the girls loved them!
 Silly girl!
 Ready to open gifts!

Her Hello Kitty radio.  She loved it.  Unfortunately it
has to be returned because it skips like crazy!  Bummer!

 Her fashion designer book.  One of the main things she
wanted was something having to do with designing dresses!
She was very excited and got busy designing right away!

 This cutie LOVES Taylor Swift!!  I would love to
be able to take her to one of her concerts one day!

 Trying out the radio.
 Hailey gave them both a makeover.  Addy had no idea until
hours later that she had eyebrows drawn on haha!

 Cute little best friends at Red Robin!
 Addy and Rayley at Red Robin.
 Hailey, John and Reagan making up a dance. 
 Time for pazookies!

 Hannah Banana enjoying her ice cream!

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