Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Last week of school

Wow, Hailey is no longer a first grader!  That is SO crazy to me.  I was just crying over her going to kindergarten and now she is on her way to second grade!  Tuesday her school had their end of year singing program and talent show.  Hailey's class sang the cutest little song!  For the talent show, she really wanted to sing.  I feel guilty now that we didn't have her do it.  They sent a flyer letting parents know that we had to provide music and everything.  I assumed it was at the school, in the playground area, and I knew we didn't have a radio or anything to bring, so we convinced Hailey to recite the preamble to the constitution, by memory, which she is AWESOME at!!  Anyhow, a couple days before the talent show, we found out it was going to be at the principal's church, with a stage and music equipment.  By then, it was too late.  She did a great job, but really wanted to sing.  Next year she is definitely going to if they have another talent show!! 

Wednesday was the last actual day of school.  Thursday was a swim party.  The school had the use of the COOLEST pool ever!!  It's a huge community pool owned by four really fancy houses!  They had their own playground, massive pool with huge cliffs to dive off, a rope to "tarzan" off the cliffs into the water, two water slides, a huge kiddie pool, huge hot tub and awesome splash pad.  Hailey had a blast.  She played with friends but mostly hung out with her teacher, it was so cute.  Hailey had been crying the past few days because she was sad about not seeing her teacher again (we found out she wouldn't be teaching next year).  However, when I told her teacher this, she told Hailey she would be helping in her class next year, which made Hailey very happy!!

 First and last day pictures of first grade.  She looks
a little more grown up to me!

And just for fun...here is first day of kindergarten and
last day of first grade.  My baby is growing up!

 Her bunny ears for her class performance.

 Cute sisters ♥

Pics from the pool party.....

 She was a bit nervous when she first got there.

 I couldn't believe how high the cliffs were!  You
cannot tell by this picture, but it was HIGH!

 The fun splash pad.  The kids LOVED it 
when the bucket dumped water on them.


  1. Man! That pool is awesome. I'm pretty much thinking about enrolling my girls in your school just for the after school party. And it your school sounds amazing! I can't get over that baby picture of Hailey going to Kindergarten. I know we moved in half way through Kindy but I never remember her looking so tiny! Such a pretty girl!!!

  2. Isn't that pool awesome! I wanna be rich so I can build one!!
