Playing in the little pool, since the big one is too cold still.
They had a BLAST and played for two hours straight!
We have the most quiet children. Haha....YEAH RIGHT!!
This picture depicts Hailey's volume, and it pretty
much lasts ALL day! We love you Hailey, but
you only have one volume, and it's SKY HIGH!!
So cute...they set up a movie theater with their dolls.
Mopping the floor. For some really odd reason, my
kids actually LOVE to mop the floor. I
hope their love for it lasts!
We bought fishing poles at the dollar store. The two dollars
spent was WELL worth it. They have played with these
things for hours, both in the tub and the baby pool.
Playing "bake shop". The girls love this! We put a mix of different
ingredients in a muffin tin and they get to have fun mixing
it all up. Hailey was actually eating hers, which was pretty gross
since she had water mixed in with it. She also convinced
Addy to take a few bites...ewwww.
Zoning out in front of the many tv shows we watched.
Enjoying homemade slushies in the tub.
Haha....I'm sure Hailey will kill me one day for taking a picture
of her on the toilet. was too cute to pass up. They
were both reading, and even put some dolls on the
training potty....silly girls!
We went to Toys R Us and the girls each got to spend
twenty dollars. They were SO excited. Addy
spotted this wagon and that was it, she just
wanted to stop looking at toys and
go home with it.
Hailey picked a jump rope and this ice cream food set.
The girls have been having lots of fun playing
ice cream shop with it.
Cute girls! Getting ready to go into the zoo.
Touching the sting rays. Addy just wanted to touch the water
but got scared every time one would come close to her.
Hailey trying to touch one...she loved it. She is
going on a field trip to the zoo in a few
weeks and she's hoping she gets to
see the sting rays again.
Haha...this picture cracks me up with
Addy's little diaper butt!
In the cool tree house they have. Hailey
would've played in it all day if I let her.
Checking out the birds. Hailey wanted to chase
them but I told her "NO WAY"...silly girl.
Love Hailey's smile here. She LOVES animals. She wants to be
a "pet store lady" when she grows cute!
More goats. I thought Addy would be afraid, because
she is our little timid one, but she wasn't at all.
Milking the cow. Hailey kept asking "where's the cow
I milked before?" She loves doing that!
It was SOOO hot! Can't believe it was snowing here a few weeks
ago and then it's 93 degrees when we go to the zoo.
Addy loved her snow cone. She ate hers, and half of Hailey's.
Carousel fun...couldn't skip that.
When we were on the carousel, there were two other
little girls named Hailey sitting right next to her,
she thought that was pretty funny!
On the ride home, with cotton candy. Addy just
tried it for the first time and chucked it on the
ground...haha. Guess she didn't like it. She
changed her mind later, and they ate the
whole bag over the next two days.
On St. Patrick's Day we woke up in the morning to
discover a leprechaun had turned our milk
green, and left gold coins!
Did more gardening on the weekend. We had more
cilantro and green onions than we knew what to do with.
We froze the green onions in water bottles, thanks Pinterest, for
the idea. It works out really nice for cooking, since they seem
to go bad so fast. We also froze the cilantro in ice cube trays,
which comes in handy for salsa....Mmmmmmm.
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