Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our Garden

I have been bitten by the gardening bug!  I'm not too good at it, but am learning by trial & error.  I could sit there forever watching videos on Youtube on how to garden, or pin ideas on that site. 

 I read that lettuce was one of the easiest vegetables
to grow, and that is true!  It's pretty hard to mess it up. 
This is my third batch of lettuce, and it is doing awesome!
It's amazing how fresh it tastes compared to store bought.  
So far the bugs have not been to interested in this variety.  I planted
another kind and I couldn't keep them out, which was pretty annoying,
although Hailey loved keeping the caterpillars as pets...haha.

I read that you could plant your celery from the store
and regrow it, so that's what we are trying here.  This is
about ten days of growth.  I'm curious to see if it gets any
actual stalks.

 Not a good picture, but here are the radishes.  My first batch completely
bombed, so I am happy that these ones are growing good.  Some
of them get HUGE too!  Hailey loves to pick them out of the ground!

 Peas.  Have no clue how long it takes them to start actually
producing peas, but the plants look good. I need to put something
in there for them to climb  I think.

I also read that carrots are easy to grow.....NOT true in my case!
I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.  My first few batches bombed,
and these are the only few that survived!  The girls & I planted some
more in buckets, so we will see how those turn out.
Swiss chard.  These were transplants, and looked really bad 
at first, but seem to be doing better now.  

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