Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pictures from the weekend

Had a busy weekend, but a fun one.  There was hiking, two birthday parties, some baking, a little bit of cleaning & lots of playing!  Getting ready for another busy week of school, piano and dance lessons, classroom volunteering, house cleaning and getting ready for Thanksgiving!  It will be a busy but fun week!

Hailey got to go on two hikes with Jaren and Jace & the boys.  Hailey loves
going and is a good little hiker.  She even got to see wild horses, which
she loved!  As you can see from the picture on the left, she is a
total picture poser...haha.  She's such a cute girl!!

 While big sister was hiking, Addy spent a lot of time in the backyard,
she LOVES LOVES LOVES to swing, and keeps saying
"push higher....push higher".  

Addy does not want to be left out of ANYTHING!  I was making
cookie dough to freeze and she wanted to help SO bad.  I let her dump
the ingredients, and then she started swiping the chocolate chips!!

Jaren was driving Hailey somewhere when she found one of
his ties in the back seat.  She said "look daddy, I'm a man".  Haha...silly girl.

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