A mom of a two year old should never get only five hours of sleep in two days! Addy has so much dang energy & I just cannot keep up! It started out Friday night when I stayed up WAY too late looking on Amazon for Christmas ideas. Just when I was about to zonk out, Hailey woke up crying with ear pain. Poor girl, she was like half asleep crying for thirty minutes and couldn't tell us what was wrong. Eventually she woke up fully, and off to urgent care we went. She cried the whole time, it was awful, I felt so bad for her. The doctor told me she had a pretty nasty infection. By the time we left there, got prescriptions and got home it was 2AM. It took me a couple of hours to fall asleep, and then little Addy was up at six! Ughhh. Then the next night we went to bed really late, and then Jaren got three work calls in the middle of the night. Between that and girls waking up, it was another rough night with no sleep. By Sunday, I was exhausted and not feeling all that great. The girls were starting to act out and get in trouble, so I knew they needed to get out of the house. So, we went on a picnic at the park. I cheated a little and picked up happy meals! They played while I got some rest time on the park bench! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tonight, I actually get a decent night's sleep!
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