Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week of June 4, 2012

Monday Hailey had a dress rehearsal for her recital. I had a scare because I couldn't find her for about ten minutes. The rehearsal was at Mesa High School. They have all of the little dancers, probably about 75 kids, stay in this room, while other dancers are practicing their part on the stage. It was hectic to say the least. Last year at this time I told Jaren "we are not doing this next year", but here we were again. And we will be doing it again next year, Hailey LOVES it. Anyhow, the kids are all running around like crazy, having a blast. Hailey was a bunny, and there were about 15 other bunnies. I was sitting on the side of the room with the other moms, while the kids ran around. I looked for her, and couldn't see her. For about five minutes I walked around the room, looking for her, but there were so many kids in costumes and running around, it was difficult. A friend of mine was also there and started looking for her as well. After ten minutes, I went to look behind the stage area for the second time, and she was walking back with someone who had taken her to fix a small tear in her costume. I was so relieved to see her, and annoyed at the same time. I wished the woman who had taken her back would've told me first. If all the bunnies were gone, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But when they are still in the room, and just Hailey is gone, I started to panick. I know I am a huge worrier, but ughhh, it scared the daylights out of me. Tuesday was her actual recital. We curled her hair in spiral curls and put makeup on her. She was having lots of fun getting all pretty! We arrived there, and it was chaos all over again. The dancers had to be there at six, while we went to the auditorium. It didn't start til 7PM, so we went to check on her twice. She had been crying :( I saw a few other little dancers crying also, I think it was just really hectic in that room. The show started and it was great. Hailey didn't go on until about 8PM, so she was in that back room for two hours! She did an excellent job, and we were all so proud of her. She waved while she was on stage, so cute. Nana & Papa came, and Papa bought her a rose. We went back to get her and she saw Papa and ran to him so fast, it was so cute. She loved the rose too. She was starving, and we got her McDonalds on the way home. She was so tired and went to bed right away. I don't even remember what any of us did on Wednesday, other than we completely forgot that Hailey had gymnastics.....oops! Thursday us girls got up and went for a nice walk before it got too hot out, then came home and jumped in the pool. Hailey is a little fish and is swimming so good. She loves to swim under the water with her boggles, as Addy calls them. Friday we hung around the house during the day, and that afternoon we went to a splash pad with John, Reagan and Gwen. It was hot for us moms, but the kids had fun. Saturday Jaren worked the morning, and then went to Payson for work that afternoon. Us girls went on an early walk, hit the park and then came home and watched Hailey swim. Later we went to Target and then stayed home mostly. We did a little project where we made bird feeders and hung them outback. Hailey had fun stirring the seed mixture and putting it in the different shaped cookie cutters. Her friend Makenzey came over and they sat staring out the back window to see if any birds were eating off of them. Hailey and Makenzey ended up playing for about seven hours that day! They played at our house for quite a while, then went to Makenzey's house. When they came back over, they were wearing Makenzey's matching pajamas. They looked like little twins. Those two have so much fun together. Sunday I ran to get groceries before it got too hot out, then came back and we played outside. We mowed the lawn and cleaned up the backyard and the girls ran through the sprinklers. Addy didn't really like it until we put some goggles on her....she looked so cute. Then the girls ate lunch out back, Addy still in her goggles. I let Addy eat chocolate pudding by herself.....BIG mistake. It was all over her, the table, the ground, the walls outside, the door, etc. She enjoyed though!! I decided to get a head start on the cleaning I usually do during the week and did a few loads of laundry and did the floors. I was sooo tired, but glad to get it done. The girls ended up going to bed really early, partly because they were worn out and partly because I needed a break from all of their energy!

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