Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week of June 18th, 2012

Monday was boring.....that's all I remember. Tuesday morning we went to Grandma & Grandpa Petersens so the girls could play with Elsie, who grandma was babysitting, while I did some visiting. After that we came home and did some cleaning and had quiet time. I am thinking of implementing a quiet time every day. Hailey is driving me NUTS! She's just playing, but she is loud loud loud! After about 30 minutes, I feel like I can't even think. Today I told her she had to play in her room, quietly, for an hour. She had to be reminded a few times to keep it down, but she did good the rest of the hour. That afternoon I started organizing her room, and setting stuff aside for donation. That's always tricky, because you have to do it on the sly. It's funny, months will go by without her playing with a toy but if she sees me with it, she is like "Nooooooo"....haha. She knows the process of donating stuff we hardly use, and tries to fight it sometimes. If it's something she plays with ever, or is attached, then of course I wouldn't get rid of it. The little dinky toys, from happy meals or whatnot, add up so fast, I love getting rid of them! Usually they play with them once or twice and then they just sit there, so they don't even miss them. Wednesday morning we were headed out to go to Nana & Papa's house and run errands, and I realized the tire was flat. I was glad it went flat at home, but went crazy being home with the girls all day. They were bored and needed to get out, but Jaren worked late, so we were stuck! Jaren tried explaining the air compressor to me over the phone, but it wasn't working. Thursday the girls and I headed to Discount Tire to get the tire fixed. We thought they would patch it, but unfortunately they said we needed a new tire. Jaren said we needed to go to the place that we bought them, so we decided to go the next day. Thursday afternoon the girls played house. It's so cute watching them. Addy is really started to get into the "pretend" play. I walked in Hailey's room and they were both in little made up beds with covers over them, and they were saying "sshhhh". I really enjoy that part of being a mom, watching these two little sisters play. I am also learning to appreciate these moments, because when they are not doing that, they are fighting. It's not so much fighting, it's mostly Addy not understanding and Hailey being demanding of her. Addy will take a toy and Hailey will pull it out of her hand, while Addy has a DEATHGRIP on it. And then it's screaming from both of them. I'm trying to get Hailey to understand that she needs to teach Addy about sharing. I have seen her do this a few times, and Addy is slowly catching on. That evening we got out the bounce, and then when daddy got home we went swimming. It was only the second time since Jaren had been in the pool that summer. We had lots of fun. Hailey told us she had some super cool moves to show us. She loves to jump in doing funny things. Addy is not scared of the water. It's almost hard to swim with her because she doesn't understand that she cannot get out of your arms. We tried floaties on her, but her head still goes under. And she is too independent to be stuck in a baby floaty thing. After swimming it was early to bed! Friday we took the car down to Fletchers to be turned away because they didn't have the right tire...ughhh. Guess I sat there in the waiting room for an hour for nothing....oh well, could be worse. I'm trying to look at things in a more positive light, but it's hard. Friday during Addy's nap Hailey and I had a princess party. We watched a Barbie princess movie, did our nails and hair, and listened to music. It was fun! After that a friend from the ward came over with her little boy. The girls had fun playing with him, and us girls got to chat about kids and her pregnancy. Later that day we met Jaren over at Fletchers to get the tire fixed finally. Jaren waited while Addy and I walked over to Goodwill. I was excited to find both girls a cute Christmas dress for $2.50! Can't beat that, and they look great! That night Hailey had a campout on the family room floor. Addy thought she was joining her and went and plopped herself down on the bed we made, with a big smile on her face. We almost let her, but then I figured she would sleep much better in her crib, so off she went! Saturday Hailey actually slept in until 7:30 and Addy 8 o'clock, which is UNHEARD of in our house! Sunday was a lazy day. I cleaned up a little around the house and Jaren made the girls a really cool fort. Next week I have GOT to get back into exercising. It's amazing what a little exercise can do for your mind, I feel SO much better when I'm working out!

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